

(7 october 2013) Dutch opinion TV programme about trending topics like the environment, sustainability, banks, crises, youth and politics. The programme of October 7th 2013 is about the first generation of childeren who won't automaticly be more wealthy then their parents. Jorne Langejaan of Fairtransport Trading and Shipping is one of the speakers of this episode. You will see and hear Jorne at 3:08 and 32:30 minuts of this movie. Tegenlicht is in Dutch.

The first ready for the global energy shift - tailwind for sailing freighters

Das erste Klar zur (Energie-)Wende - Rückenwind für Frachtsegler (04.11.2013)

Read more, click here

Carbon War Room

(22 November 2012) Shipping - Self-financing Mechanism for Retrofitting Fuel Efficiency Technologies


SAIL project start conference

The start of SAIL 24 October 2012 Koudum The Netherlands, MARIN

Tailwind from Europe

Directors Monika Kovacsics, Heike Nelsen-Minkenberg Producer Februar Film