
Program SAIL conference 6 November 2013


10 October 2013

For programme click here  /  Click here to register for this meeting 

Conference and “Working Session”

Wind Assisted Ship Propulsion (WASP)
Wednesday 6th November 2013, Rotterdam
Venue: Inntel hotels, Leuvehaven 80, 3011 EA ROTTERDAM, NL. Panorama zaal

How to make it happen?! 


Optimized hulls and riggings
Velocity prediction data
Performance data
End consumers valuing sustainable transport
Tribe managers making it happen
Rising Oil prices
Finance of innovation (being an […]

First day of SAIL partner meeting a succes


11 April 2013

So far the partner meeting of SAIL in Wilhelmshaven has been a succes. Yesterday a number of interesting speakers out of the bussiness shared their thoughts and dreams.  Partners will use the new ideas in the Workpackage meetings of today.

Summary and presentations of Wednesday 10 April

For instance Isabelle Rojon (click here for the presentation) of the University of Utrechts, invited by the North Sea Foundation, informed all about her thesis Blowing in the Wind, which connected completely to the subject of the project.  She ends her presentation that she things there is hope […]

Inspiring speakers Wilhelmshaven on 10 April 2013


After the successful kick off in Koudum, the Netherlands last October 2012 all partners of the Interreg North Sea project SAIL gather for the second time in Wilhelmshaven (Germany) to discuss the progress made in new sustainable hybrid sailing concepts. Do we invest in sails, wings or kites, electricity or biofuels and how can we develop these great opportunities for the future?

Inspiring speakers will present their involvement with Environmental Research in the shipping industry:

Isabelle, Rojon, Univerisity of Utrecht, presents some astonishing results of her thesis Blowin’ in the wind?
Uwe Lampe of Fassmer Shipyard Fassmer is […]

Workpackage leaders meet in Oostende


05 February 2013

The Workpackage leaders of the 6 Workpackages of the SAIL project have met in the port of Oostende on 27 and 28 January 2013. This resulted in working agreements and planning for the coming period. The next partner meeting  in Wilhelmshaven, Germany on 10 an 11 April 2013. At this meeting we wil focus  on hybrid sailing concepts, the experience until now and the pilots in development. This will set the sails to a sustainable future.

Click here for a short report of Oostende.

At work
                                                                   Oostende by night